Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Groundhog Day Event in Littleton

On Tuesday, February 2, in Scott Brown's shadow, Mike Hruby and his support group once again put on a marvelous nuts 'n bolts session, offering speeches from a host of good, common sense candidates, as well as advice on raising campaign funds. Marty Lamb, contender for U.S. Congress, explains his Third Congressional Distrct spans from North Fall River to Princeton and out to Holliston, his home town. Marty pointed out that 59% of the voters in his district went for Scott Brown.

Mindelynn Young, Finance Director for Mary Connaughton, used a small business analogy to describe some general ideas in approaching donors, who she termed "investors".

"Build relationships, tell them what you're going to spend the money on, create a sense of urgency and follow up," advises Mindelynn.

"An auditor running for auditor. Go figure," says Mary Connaughton.

Mary Connaughton, former board member of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, presented solid, practical reasons why she, a Republican, should hold the office of State Auditor.

Mike Hruby introduces Mary Connaughton, featured speaker of the evening.

Jim Gettens of Sterling details his military background. Jim is running for State Representative in the 12th Worcester District.

Two other candidates vying for State Representative in their respective locales also spoke but are not pictured. Paul Avello of the Second Middlesex District and Kurt Hayes of the 37th Middlesex District.

1 comment:

JohnFrum said...

Mary Connaughton is right on target. This might be the first time in 20 years Massachusetts has a state auditor who can count to eleven without taking off a sock.