Monday, April 27, 2009

And They're Off!!! . . . or . . . The 2010 Gubernatorial Race Has Begun

According to Globe writer, Matt Collette, the Republican Party now has a candidate running for governor in 2010, Christy Mihos. (April 27, p.B1) Mr. Mihos, who ran as an Independent against Kerry Healey and Deval Patrick in 2006, wrote an op-ed for the blog "Red Mass Group" dated last Saturday, 4/25 in which he details what he perceives should be done to begin fixing the state's economy. Do away with the capital gains tax, the death tax and the meals tax, lose 8,000 state workers, forget increasing the gas tax and the Turnpike tolls, merge all Massachusetts transportation authorities and drop tolls on the Pike west of Rt. 128. He also suggests eliminating what he terms "the health insurance middle man," i.e.,Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Mr. Collette highlights the last line of Mr. Mihos' blog posting, which is, of course, of huge interest to any self-respecting political junkie. "'Christy Mihos is a businessman, entrepreneur, and a candidate for governor.'" (p.B1)

Mr. Collette also adds that Governor Patrick, through a spokesman, said he will be seeking re-election.

Barney Keller, MassGOP communications director, responds. "'The problem for Governor Patrick in 2010 is that his words and his rhetoric are going to be compared with his record.'" Ending with Matt Collette paraphrasing Barney Keller, "Keller said Patrick will face a tough fight against Mihos, or another Republican candidate, should one emerge." (p.B4)

The Boston Globe, Monday, April 27, 2009, "Mihos sets new run for governor" by Matt Collette, p.B1

Red Mass Group, April 25, 2009: "A Stimulus For The Rest Of Us" by Christy Mihos

1 comment:

JohnFrum said...

Mr. Mihos will never be able to lay off 8000 state workers. It all sounds so sweet, but until people get upset enough to throw out the entrenched state hacks who pass out these court office jobs and toll taker jobs, it will always be business as usual. Gov. Patrick can't even get the most meaningless pension reform passed by his own party.